Thursday, June 27, 2013


                                        Use of Portfolio in academic development
                                                   Background of Study                                     Ranjit Kumar jha.
When I came in Kathmandu University, I have to do a new task that was portfolio. In my first class of study skills and Academic writing, laxman sir used to talk about portfolio. But that was very new for me because I have not listen anything about portfolio. So there was so many questions raised in my mind like, what is portfolio? How can I make that? Why it is important? Sir told that it is very important that you all have to do it as assignment.
After we asked to the teacher about how can we make than he said that ‘ you all have to write a reflection of every class and put in your ring bind file. Sir explained more like everything that you will go to do like all reflections, handouts, term paper, class room activities etc. first I thought that ‘ if it is really important than why didn’t teacher talk about portfolio in my previous academic session. And why it is important now? These kinds of question raised in my mind and I compelled to think  about  portfolio.
Anyway I have to do that. So, I started to write reflection. Next day, I went to the market and bought a ring binder file and now I started to put everything that I had done in that file. Now I have understand that portfolio is something that students keep their record of everything like assignment, class work. Term paper, answer sheet of mid terms and all that paper or handouts provided by teachers  in the classroom.  And not only in one class, every tutor is used to talk about that. In all subject teacher talked about portfolio like “ students you all have to make a portfolio and submit in the middle of this semester and at the last of semester”. Than I thought It is very much important in Kathmandu University. In Kathmandu University it is also one tool of assessment that evaluate to students about their learning and seriousness in learning. It is completely new for me because in my previous academic carrier no portfolio, no assignment nothing. I like some interesting also in the sense that it review our past academic carrier that what are the things that I done in my academic year. It refresh our past level and experience.
So, in this paper I am going to talk about what is the importance and use of portfolio in English language Teaching and learning.
Although it is very new for me but it is not new thing. I heard it at first when I joined my Masters level program. So, what I understand about portfolio that is “A portfolio is a collection of student work with a common theme or purpose”. The use of portfolios is not new. Portfolios have been common in the fine and performing arts for years in seeking support for one’s work, to document change or improvement in style and performance, or to gain admission to special schools. Broad expansion into the academic arena took place in the 1990s as part of the movement toward performance assessment. This change was fostered by a climate of criticism of traditional assessment techniques, especially multiple-choice testing.
The focus here is on the use of portfolios for assessment, but portfolios can be utilized to achieve
Other  goals. Portfolios may, for example, document varied experiences of the learner in a course or class, provide points for discussion between learner and teacher or among learners, and represent change in the student’s technique or skill over time.
Some other scholar defines portfolio like this
n  “Systematic collections of student work selected to provide information about students’ attitudes and motivation, level of development and growth over time.” (Kingore, 1993)
n  “A purposeful, chronological collection of student work, designed to reflect student development in one or more areas over time and student outcomes at one or more designated points in time.” (French, 1992)
n  “Purposeful collection of student work that exhibits the student’s efforts, progress, and achievements in one or more areas.”  (Del Vecchio, 2000)
Portfolio as a tool of Assessment
How can we and evaluators use portfolio as a tool of assessment? I think , assessment can be do in two ways . first one that we evaluate our self and second is other evaluation about ourself. So we can use portfolio in both cases. For example , if we look back to portfolio than it shows how gradually we are going to improve. What kinds of mistake that we used to do before and now it is correct or not.  Portfolio is an answer of so many question that we rise later like what was my academic level? How I used to do my assignment? So it can be a tool that show flashback our academic carrier.
If I talk about external evaluation than our tutors, administers can evaluate by observing portfolio. As I mentioned it shows our academic performance and evaluators can make a plan for our improvement or they can give feedback according to our performance. It is a reflection of past , presant and future condition.
However, describing portfolio assessment as authentic suggests that other forms of assessment are less valid, or inappropriate. That is not the case. Different methods of assessment are useful for different purposes. Portfolio assessment is most appropriate when learning can be best demonstrated through a product.
                                                Multiple Uses of the Portfolio
Students with special needs. Many goals on Individual Education Programs (IEP) of students with significant disabilities cannot be assessed by traditional objective or standardized tests. If a student is to learn to tie shoes, remove and hang up a coat, or wash hands independently, the video component of a portfolio could document these accomplishments.
                             Documentation of teacher effectiveness.Portfolios can assist the teacher in demonstrating that students have met standards or IEP goals, that technology and other varied teaching techniques are being used in the classroom, and that students are actively engaged in learning.
Development of student cognitive skill. When students have specific qualitative goals to meet, they practice skills that enhance learning and effective development of products. Designing a product with specific goals in mind can improve planning skills and contribute to realistic self-appraisal. Specific descriptors mitigate vague self-assessments, unrealistic positive or negative self-evaluation, generalized “all or nothing thinking” (my work is always bad or always good), and perfectionism.
                                                My experience of using portfolio
Not only for academic purpose but I used it in my family purpose also. No doubt it helps in my academic improvement. When I see my portfolio record I found that gradually I am going to improve. It helps to correct common mistakes and it shows how practice makes man perfect. I would like to thank my tutors who suggest to do such kinds of activities. There was far difference when I submitted my portfolio in mid of semester and submit in last. It shows my reflection that in six month how I gradually improved my performance.
According to the rules of University it continues in second semester as well. I used it not only in my academic life but in my personal life as well. I use it to keep record of my daily activities and my plan of family. It helps me to improve my habits and be punctual.
                                     What are the values of using portfolio?
n  Provide opportunities for improved student self-image
n  Increase students’ responsibility for their own learning and intrinsic motivation
n  Incorporate examples of student’s higher-level thinking and problem solving
n  Can be used by teachers to monitor class progress, provide feedback to students and parents
n  Encourage a collaborative effort between teachers and students
n  Help to increase awareness of the abilities of special populations
To sum up, portfolio is image is our activities. It is very useful for learners and teachers. It can be used as assessment tool, reflection of progress and record of all activities of classroom. It helps me a lot for my improvement. I think it is necessary to manage portfolio from very beginning. I have lots of experience about using portfolio while I joined Kathmandu University. I suggest all of learners that they should maintain the portfolio.
1.           Kingore, B.  (1993).  Portfolios:  Enriching and Assessing All Students (1st ed.).  Des Moines:  Leadership Publishers Inc.
2.      Damiani, Victoria B. (2002) Portfolio in classroom, Pennlsylveania: IUP


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